What new technology will be revealed at the 2012 NY Auto Show?
What kind of new in car convenience technology will we see? I’m not sure, but I will soon find out and report back. John and I will be attending the 2012 NY Auto show with press passes! One thing I am sure of is that we will see some pretty cool design changes and more emphasis on hybrid and plug in hybrid technology.
I am always excited to see advances in OEM technology. I don’t view it as a threat like many mobile electronics retailers do. The auto-manufacturers are actually doing us all a favor in this industry by bringing convenience technology to mainstream consumers. Do you think voice recognition would be a feature that the average consumer would request if it weren’t for Ford and Mircosoft creating the ever popular Sync System? I doubt it. Ford did a great job promoting that feature and they empowered consumers by educating them on the new technology that was available. But let’s face it, advertising is expensive for us little guys. Why not let the car manufacturer’s be the ones to foot that bill?

The thing about convenience technology is you never really know you need it until you see it. Does anybody really need an iPhone? Technically no, but once you try one, and see how many amazing apps are available that will make your life so much more convenient, you’re hooked. Once you try it, you can never go back. It’s the type of technology you HAVE to have. And the auto manufacturers are doing a really good job at helping consumers be aware of this type of convenience technology and they’re pretty good at convincing them they have to have it. The benefit for shops like mine is huge.
There are thousands of people out there that would enjoy having a GPS Navigation System, a back up camera, Bluetooth and USB connection in a nice brand new car, but not everyone has $30,000+ to shell out on a new car. Yet, that doesn’t mean they won’t spend $2,000 to add those conveniences to their current ride.

New vehicle technology keeps me in business. The car manufacturers are great at spreading the word to consumers about new vehicle technologies in a way that is very safe and appealing across all demographics. As long as there are consumers that want these features, but don’t want to (or have the money to) buy a new car, I’ll be in business.
Stay tuned to see the latest and greatest convenience technology that will be unveiled at the 2012 NY Auto Show.